Not sure who it was that said, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans," or "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." All I can say is that God must be laughing right now and I was making other plans.
Four and a half weeks ago, I received a phone call at work from an officer in my reserve unit telling me that I had won the lottery. The prize? A year deployment in Afghanistan (AFG). Some joke you think--nope, not a joke at all. This is for real. A phone call one Wednesday morning turned my life upside down. I called my parents that morning and then spent the rest of the day at work trying unsuccessfully to focus on the task at hand and get some real work done. Ha!
I found out that morning that I was being involuntarily recalled to active duty to deploy to AFG for a year. Even though I'm a Navy reservist, I'm going to be doing an Army job and working in an Army environment. I'll be providing admin support to a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Farah Province. If you want to know more about what this all means, just google it.
Basically, I had four weeks to pack up my life and get ready to start a new one. Pack up my apartment, go to the reserve center to do my medical and dental screening, pack up more stuff in my apartment, call creditors and make arrangements to pay bills, go to dinner with friends, pack up more stuff in my apartment, make appointment with JAG lawyer to execute a will and power of attorney, pack up more stuff in my apartment, tell family, friends and co-workers that I'm leaving to spend a year in Afghanistan. Yeah, right and all in four weeks. Oh, and my parents came to see me for the last week and a half I was in home in DC. Fun, stressful and busy, but overall really glad Mom and Dad came to be with me.
It was sobering to pack up my desk and apartment, and say see you in a year. I really like my job and the people work with are really fun. They make the job worthwhile. Plus, it's amazing how much stuff I think I need, but I was comfy in my little basement apartment. It was home. It's weird to think that for the next year I'm not really going to have a home. A series of rooms in a barracks for the next few months, and then who knows what in AFG. I feel ungrounded without a home.
But now the adventure has begun! I'm on my way and who knows what the next few months will bring. Here I am weeks later sitting in my room in Bachelor's Quarters (BQ) in Norfolk, VA and tomorrow morning I start in processing at Navy Mobilization Processing Site (NMPS). I'm curious as to what tomorrow will bring and everything I'll be learning. In the next few weeks I'll be learning more about what my job will be and more about where I'm headed. I'm really excited about what lies ahead.
I hope this blog proves useful to friends and family in keeping up with me. Everyone says they want photos, I'll post those here as well. Feel free to post comments and ask questions. Hopefully, you'll learn a little Navy lingo along the way as well. I promise I'll do my best to keep it up-to-date and tell you what I'm doing.
At the beginning of this post, you probably thought I sounded a little sarcastic and I was. However, in spite of how frustrating and hard the past few weeks have been, I'm really excited about this new adventure. I figure as long as God is laughing, I must be in for the time of my life.
Four and a half weeks ago, I received a phone call at work from an officer in my reserve unit telling me that I had won the lottery. The prize? A year deployment in Afghanistan (AFG). Some joke you think--nope, not a joke at all. This is for real. A phone call one Wednesday morning turned my life upside down. I called my parents that morning and then spent the rest of the day at work trying unsuccessfully to focus on the task at hand and get some real work done. Ha!
I found out that morning that I was being involuntarily recalled to active duty to deploy to AFG for a year. Even though I'm a Navy reservist, I'm going to be doing an Army job and working in an Army environment. I'll be providing admin support to a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Farah Province. If you want to know more about what this all means, just google it.
Basically, I had four weeks to pack up my life and get ready to start a new one. Pack up my apartment, go to the reserve center to do my medical and dental screening, pack up more stuff in my apartment, call creditors and make arrangements to pay bills, go to dinner with friends, pack up more stuff in my apartment, make appointment with JAG lawyer to execute a will and power of attorney, pack up more stuff in my apartment, tell family, friends and co-workers that I'm leaving to spend a year in Afghanistan. Yeah, right and all in four weeks. Oh, and my parents came to see me for the last week and a half I was in home in DC. Fun, stressful and busy, but overall really glad Mom and Dad came to be with me.
It was sobering to pack up my desk and apartment, and say see you in a year. I really like my job and the people work with are really fun. They make the job worthwhile. Plus, it's amazing how much stuff I think I need, but I was comfy in my little basement apartment. It was home. It's weird to think that for the next year I'm not really going to have a home. A series of rooms in a barracks for the next few months, and then who knows what in AFG. I feel ungrounded without a home.
But now the adventure has begun! I'm on my way and who knows what the next few months will bring. Here I am weeks later sitting in my room in Bachelor's Quarters (BQ) in Norfolk, VA and tomorrow morning I start in processing at Navy Mobilization Processing Site (NMPS). I'm curious as to what tomorrow will bring and everything I'll be learning. In the next few weeks I'll be learning more about what my job will be and more about where I'm headed. I'm really excited about what lies ahead.
I hope this blog proves useful to friends and family in keeping up with me. Everyone says they want photos, I'll post those here as well. Feel free to post comments and ask questions. Hopefully, you'll learn a little Navy lingo along the way as well. I promise I'll do my best to keep it up-to-date and tell you what I'm doing.
At the beginning of this post, you probably thought I sounded a little sarcastic and I was. However, in spite of how frustrating and hard the past few weeks have been, I'm really excited about this new adventure. I figure as long as God is laughing, I must be in for the time of my life.
I finally got back in touch with you and got to spend one GREAT day with you. But as you know you do have a wonderful adventure waiting for you.My only regret is not being able to be there with you.Anyhow I so look forward to hearing all about it on this site.Enjoy the new adventure and take good care of yourself.
Christine, I was completely spacey last Sunday when you called to see if I could be chorister...not realizing that you were LEAVING immediately. Sorry about that. I should have wished you luck...so I will do it here. We will miss you!! We have had a few great adventures with you, and look forward to more when you make it back next year. We will keep updated through the blog. Thanks for keeping in touch, God Bless!! MaurLo
Cuz....Thanks for adding me to see your blog...I will check in from time to time to see what you are up to. Mom and I enjoyed the quick visit from your parents. They were on a mission of their own...your Mom to get to Becky and your Dad to get back to Paradise. Think they have reached their goals by now! Mom will be 90 tomorrow and plans call for surprise lunch with her two best girfriends...one is in her 70's and one is in her 80's. In all honesty, the "girls" have a good time when they're together so am sure I will too! Stay safe..love, Suzy
This is a wonderful way to keep up with you. The CFC Talent Show will not be the same this year without your participation.
Keep up the good work, have patience and trust in God...he'll keep you smiling too.
Luv ya...
Holy Cow! This is so exciting! I had no idea when I went to your blog that this is what I would be reading about. It sounds like you've got the right attitute and will really have an amazing experience. I can't wait to hear all about your new adventure!
Just a note to see if I can get this to post. Ha. Sent you an eamil to you just a few minutes ago.
All for now.
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