Another study, focused on participants with a neuromuscular disease, and they reported higher levels of positive sleep, as well as more and better quality sleep. The study group participant's spouse or partner were also asked to track behaviors during the study and reported more positive outlooks and less negativity, meaning that the effects of gratitude were noticeable by others.
I already knew all of this. Okay, I hadn't consciously sat down and thought about how being grateful was making me happier or healthier, I just knew on some level that it was. This article simply confirmed what I already knew and could feel within myself as I contemplated my blessings.
I love that God's commandments are for the benefit of his children. And so it is with the commandment to " in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which He doth bestow upon you" (Alma 34:38). I hope that you often spend time contemplating and listing those things for which you are thankful. As you do, you will reap the blessings of being thankful.
It's hard to narrow the list to just a few things each day for which I'm thankul.
So, here is a long list:
leaves changing colors
raking leaves
sleep and rest
my savior and friend, jesus christ
hair cuts
good food
my job
good conversation
my grandma's orange chairs
my family
books on my shelves
art on my walls
time off
time alone
time with friends
hope, faith, love, service
testimony of christ, prayer, the restored gospel and god
being thankful

Lovin' your thankful lists! It makes me think of the same things I'm thankful for. Especially after just returning from a third world country.
P and I try to thank each other for doing the daily tasks around the house - dishes, laundry, etc. It helps to keep us mindful of how much the other does.
I love hearing how you stay thankful and thank those around you.
Thanks for sharing.
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