Just a few photos from my weekend with family...
He's such a cutey my little nephew.
Best flag ceremony ever. These poor Cub Scouts were so nervous and the boy holding the flag was shaking so bad he almost dropped the flag. I loved the sincerity.
The perfect life isn't having what you want, it's knowing what you love. -Marisa de los Santos
I can't help but notice Spock is in a wheelchair, though the crew is wearing uniforms from TNG (seasons 3-7). I am unaware of Spock's health being compromised during that time period such that he needs to be in a wheelchair. The breaking from canon bothers me greatly! What is this, fanfic?! Horrors!
(Okay, it doesn't bother me at all, but I feel like my inner geek has been neglected, and this gave me a chance to nourish my inner geek just a bit.)
I love geeks with innards!
Good times, good times. I love the picture with your nephew covered in mud. Kids don't care about getting dirty!
Great pictures Christine
Thanks Mom.
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