Tuesday, December 17, 2013

remembering hilltop star

Remembering Chris today. 

Chris and I with our niece Caitlin and all her barrettes in our hair.

It's so weird to me to think that it's been 10 years since he passed. I went back and looked at some of the things I wrote over the past few years.

a memory - Recounts an experience I had the day before Chris passed. I wrote about it in third person, because it was easier for me to do so. I thought about this experience last night, and remembered that it's one of the last times in my life when I felt truly at peace. It was such a gift.

hilltop star - Here I share the meaning behind my blog's name Hilltop Star, and a song that Chris and I wrote together. 

And here's a photo of The Hilltop Star from my dear Paradise friend Lisa who shares a photo of our star with me every year. I just love that she does this for me. It brings me a little piece of home.

1 comment:

Alan said...

remembering is a good thing.