"I got your letter this morning in mail call. I couldn't wait to start reading, but duty called. I read it over lunch. Now I'm down in berthing writing you from my rack. I have to tell you I feel exactly the same. I can't stop thinking about you and last night as I was falling asleep, I imagined your face. Those green eyes and your smile that make me feel loved when you look up at me. I had good dreams with you.
"I told my father about you and he would like to meet you. He says you seem very good for me. I agree. You make me want to be better, which is a new thing for me. Usually, I'm more interested in myself and what I can do for myself. But since I met you I'm more interested in what I can do for you, how I can make you smile and how I can make you proud to know me. It's an interesting feeling.
"Well, gotta run, I have to get back down to the office. We're supposed to run battle drills tonight, and I need to know where my post is, so the YN1 is going to show me what to do. Sometimes, I really hate this boat, but hey it's all part of being in the Navy, which is what we signed up to do. Well, except you did the reserve thing.
"I'll be thinking you again tonight. Thanks for letter. Can't wait to hear from you again. Love always, D" (name omitted to protect the innocent)
Whatever happened to this boy in my life? I'd forgotten all about him, until the weekend I was in Utah packing up my storage unit and going through a box of old papers. I opened the envelope and pulled out his letter and began to read. By the time I was done, I had a big, ol' grin on my face, and I was remembering...
I actually hadn't thought of D for over 15 years. I wonder whatever happened to him. Is he still in the Navy? Is he married, divorced or single still? Does he ever still think of me? I remember he had short blond hair, blue eyes, was quite tall and that's about it. I don't even remember specifics of how we met or even how we kissed. I do remember liking him though, but it took finding his letter to remind me of that.
This was written to me in the fall of 1993 by a boy I'd met at "A" school for the Navy in Meridian, Mississippi. ("A" school is where learn your Navy job.) This was before the advent of email, where you got actual handwritten letters stuffed into an envelope that was touched by the hands of the one who wrote it.
It’s so much more intimate to receive a letter in the mail and hold it in your hands knowing that just a few days ago he was holding it in his hands, folding to fit the envelope, licking the glue to seal it up. Hm, it’s kind of fun to think about that. I also liked the waiting, wondering if I would get a page or two of a letter detailing his activities or his thoughts on one of his favorite subject-me. So much better than an email or text. So much more permanent and lasting.
In 15 years you'll find a love letter, but will you find a love email?
1 comment:
Now that was romantic! What a fun thing to find after all these years. Indeed, there is still something about receiving an actual letter in the mail than an email.
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