Friday, February 25, 2011

5 things i remember about spring

Today on her blog: Enjoying the Small Things, Kelle asked her readers to share five memories of spring. As I typed up my memories, they came back very vividly and made me so glad that we are almost done with the coldness of winter. Today it was 66 degrees in downtown DC, and it felt so good when I escaped my office to go to lunch offsite with some co-workers.
So, here are five childhood memories of spring:
1. Daffodils that my dad and I planted the previous autumn pushing up through the spring snow in our orchard.

2. My mom throwing a double birthday party for my brother and I in March, complete with bunny cakes and goofy birthday hats.

3. Baby chicks living in our garage under warming lamps until they were big enough to live on their own in the chicken coop.

4. Mom saying that we couldn't run through the sprinklers until the snow had melted from the mountain tops in Northern Utah because the irrigation water would be too cold. It didn't matter, we did it anyway.

5. The smell of damp dirt as we tilled up our garden and prepared it for planting. It's a smell that can't be replicated. And the spring green of the fields and mountains, there's nothing like it anywhere in the world.
What are your five memories of spring?

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