Tuesday, November 22, 2011

on loss

My heart aches today for a dear friend whose sister passed away this past weekend. I know the emptiness and pain this loss brings, and hope he soon finds comfort.

My heart also aches because it brings back so many memories, an over-abundance of memories, as I remember my own painful experiences with loss, letting go, and feeling alone.

Thankfully, pain lessens with time, and memories lose their sting. It doesn't ever go away entirely, and some days the freshness is still quite surprising. I know my friend will discover all this as he begins moving forward, and memories of time spent with his sister will become so much sweeter.

So, JH here's to your sister. To loss, pain, sweet memories, and moving forward. It's all part of what makes life so full and rich.

I wish I could be there with you. Hugs.

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