Thursday, April 29, 2010

caught up

today at work something incredible happened.

after eight months of being behind the curve and struggling to meet the requirements of my regular duties and a special project
for which i volunteered last fall and which ended four months ago, i was beginning to think that i would never catch up.

today, i am caught up. 
all the packages in my in-box are things for which i am waiting on other people to provide information. at this very moment, noone is waiting on information from me.

i am caught up.
i'm sitting at my desk, stunned and in disbelief.

i'm going out for a pedicure this evening to celebrate, and then for a long run.  woohoo!

bring on the weekend!  let's see what else i can accomplish.

1 comment:

Globe Trecker said...

Well done! Way to reward yourself, btw.