Monday, December 26, 2011

things that made me smile this week

totally forgot to mention last week:

*a stunning performance of The Messiah at the Kennedy Center. for the past three years i've attended with wonderful friends, and the performances were beautiful. this year's performance was special and so beautifully done with feeling and musicianship that it is know my favorite performance. the bass and tenor were my favorites to listen to, because they sang with so much feeling and enjoyment, you could feel their love and excitement for what they were singing. the conductor looked like he was twelve, and was so energetic; he was a joy to watch as he directed the musicians without a score in front of him. the choir was so unified this year, they sounded as one voice with no soloists in the bunch. i loved this performance and was moved to tears many times.

and now for this week:

* baking cookies and making peppermint marshmallows with friends. it made the work of baking all the christmas cookies much easier and a lot more fun.

* church bells ringing on christmas eve do my heart good.

* little kids dressed as mary and joseph, the oxen and sheeps, shepherds and wiseman, and angels. there is almost nothing better than this on christmas eve.

* spending quiet time on christmas day. i'm so glad i didn't travel for christmas this year. it was so nice to spend time on my own thinking about the true meaning of christmas, reading the christmas story and watching these new movies.

* spending time with josiah. he's a such a good dog and seems to know when i'm feeling a little homesick.

* listening to nieces and nephews recount their christmas treasures and how much fun they're having.

* skype is awesome. i wish more of my family would join the 21st century and get webcams so we can video chat. it's so fun to see people's faces as we talk.

* finding the differences and commonalities with a new friend and having a grown up conversation and making a grown up decision. all very good things.

* cat sitting for a friend. i was joyously greeted by peter and mimi on more than one occasion when i stopped by to feed and play with them. i love these two kitties.

* homemade beef stew. cooking with my new knives. chopping vegetables was never so easy.

* learning that i know myself better than i thought i did.

* homemade pizza for christmas dinner and the company of good friends. i love my dc family.

* receiving the gift of my first ever power tool, a drill, from a good friend.

* christmas lights.

* during the christmas eve service, having my little friend ask me what the candles were for. mom and i both explained that it was to share the light for christmas. i asked who the light was and then helped her understand that Jesus is the light. she totally got it and kept saying she was going to share Jesus with me.

* not setting an alarm. heaven.

* cold weather. hot chocolate. good conversation.

* christmas eve breakfast date at eastern market with a good friend.

* the missionaries coming over for carols and cookies. they serenade me with christmas carols and i give them cookies in return.

* a new year is right around the corner with lots of good things.

1 comment:

Globe Trecker said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas! I made those peppermint marshmallows and gifted them to people, YUM. A new hit.

I too love Skype and spend a lot of face time with family on it. It's so easy to set up and a video camera costs as little as $15. So worth it. The family set it up in the living room while unwrapping presents. Felt like we were there, amazing.