Monday, February 20, 2012

stuff that made me smile this week

* valentine's day! i love this holiday. yeah, i know we should tell and show our friends and families how much love them every day, but i like stopping for a day to really focus on the love. it's kind of like thanksgiving for me--give thanks every day, but stop for one day to really focus on it. focusing on the love always makes me smile.

* a valentine's date. :)

* receiving valentines from family and friends. (on a not so happy note: the valentine from my mom still hasn't been delivered. boo usps!)

* winning a couple of battles at work that are in the best interest of the boss. yay!

* brunch with some fun ladies, followed by a bus trip to the national cathedral and some sweets.

* gorgeous, gorgeous warm weather (temps almost in the 60s) followed by cold, rain, and snow. such a weird winter we're having.

* watching a friday night movie from the comfort of my own couch. 

* a fun evening with sisters from church making individualized quilt blocks. i loved being around such fun and creative sisters. i need more time like this in my life.

* i'm loving this season of downton abbey. 

* good books, hot tea and warm slippers.

* learning.

* skinny jeans and boots. my green leather jacket. cuddly sweaters. cute colorful flats.

* church singles potluck with good friends. i really love this group.

* the swedish chef makes me laugh every time: bork! bork! bork!

* and for more fun, check out this site that translates web pages into swedish chef, redneck or even pig latin!

have a great week.

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