* went to a theater production with friends to see a friend perform. beertown was a fun interactive theater experience about a town and how they want to be remembered.
* late night chats with a friend in pre-deployment training. it's interesting to be on the outside looking in this time around.
* cold medicine can be so nasty. but it helps me feel so good.
* rain and lots of it. thunder and lightning.
* a rainy, cool saturday with no need for air conditioning. i slept with the windows wide open that night. heaven...
* lunch at matchbox with the office crew to say goodbye to one and congratulations to the other. it was bittersweet. oh, there were cupcakes from sweet lobby too.
* the plan for the boyer family reunion came out this week. it looks like fun! i'm so excited.
* and some exciting news from brother R1: he was accepted into law school this year. WOOOHOOO! i totally cried when i told my housemate about this. i'm so excited for and proud of him.
* i came home from church and finally set up my hammock on the back porch. it was awesome! this view from my hammock just made me smile and relax.
* i had some extra time to play so i made this with my most favorite little pairs of toes ever in iowa. hee hee!
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