Wednesday, February 27, 2013

things that make me smile...

...or some things for which i'm grateful.

it's been a rough couple of weeks. i'm muddling through and pulling myself together. there is a light at the end of the tunnel, thankfully. i have noticed over the years that when i'm sorting through things and having a rough time that i tend to withdraw. i recently noticed that by not taking time to truly appreciate the beauty in my life and focus on being grateful that my mood worsens and it's hard for me see all the good i have in my life. i enjoy seeing all the good that's going on in my life and there is definitely difference in me when i do.

* i attended my good friend's church last saturday for her son's dedication (blessing). the pastor invited my friend and her husband to come forward and present their son. he also invited all the guests who were there to support my friend's family to come forward and surround them as they presented their little boy for his blessing. it was such a beautiful experience to stand in the circle of love, and support completely focused on my friend's family. i'm so grateful that i could be a part of their special day.

* i'm really grateful for my car pool partner who really is a funny gal. i really appreciate her company in the mornings. possible alien invasions, new music and griping about maryland drivers make for some really fun conversation.

* i'm grateful for telephone conversations with members of my family. it helps me feel like i'm not so far away.

* the bulbs i planted are coming up in full force. i enjoy seeing the green buds and stems coming up from the cold, muddy ground. i know in a few weeks there will be an explosion of color in my front garden.

* i work with really great people. i've been blessed to have a group of colleagues who are making hats for our hat project for children's hospital. it's so fun to spend time with these people. i enjoy teaching people how to use the knitting looms and to crochet. it's fun!

* a post valentine's day get together with some of my favorite women around a fireplace. we wrote down things that we wanted to let go off and sent them up in flames while making s'mores and chatting away. exactly what i needed that day.

* sometimes i need to be told, "suck it up, pansi" when i complain about stuff and i have a friend who does just that. thanks!

* 13 dead mice in 10 days. seriously, where do these things come from?

* i'm starting to get excited about the spring session of general conference. yay!

* baked oatmeal. spaghetti squash--which i don't enjoy all that much, but i really liked it this time around. cleaning out my veggie drawer to make some yummy soup. nutella and saltines. celestial seasonings tension tamer tea--i so enjoy this drink before heading to bed, and it's almost become a routine. clean sheets. socks. turtleneck shirts are my go-to shirt in the winter. chocolate. chocolate. chocolate.

* my roommate was out of town for a few days, and josiah was really missing her one evening. in the middle of working on my computer, i was interrupted when out of nowhere he just climbed right up on the couch and into my lap. needless to say i put my computer aside and gave the poor, neglected dog some loves. he settled right down afterwards and went to sleep. i think dogs are like people and need cuddles too.

* my mom calling me in the middle of the oscars, so we could watch them together. it was fun to have someone to talk with about the show. i stayed up way too late just talk with her.

* shopping at costco is ridiculous to me, because there is nothing small about that place or its wares. i rarely shop there, but it was fun to run into one of my favorite people there with all her kids as she finished shopping for her family. it made being there worth it.

* i'm so thankful for my brothers and sisters who are chief petty officers with me. i learn so much from them. i recently was able to spend some time in conversation with a close friend who is getting ready to move onto a new challenge and leadership opportunity. i learn so much from this man every time i talk with him. thanks for making time for me in your schedule. the meeting maker made me laugh!

* sore muscles from physical therapy. i know i'm alive and getting stronger.

* i seriously enjoy attending  sci-fi conventions, and attended one a couple of weeks ago. this deserves it own blog post, but it was really fun. i learned so much about people and science, and laughed like i hadn't in a really long time.

* i enjoy days at work when i'm able to really focus and concentrate on getting things done. it helps me feel good at the end of the day.

* i'm so thankful for daily reminders that i do have a choice in how i feel about the experiences in my life.

* there is peace and strength that comes from reading the scriptures and spending time in prayer. even just a few minutes makes a very noticeable difference. thank you.

* i feel much better now that i have typed this up. acknowledging my gratitude and the good in my life really does help me feel happier.

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